Business growth depends on your ability to generate new ideas. Coaching Ideas can help to stimulate new ideas in three areas which are important to business growth:
Innovation Workshops. The Coaching Ideas Ideashop Innovation Workshop process uses a unique three stage process to get the most out of your team. We start with a detailed review of what you’ve done before, then move onto the idea generation and refinement stage, which is followed up by a post-workshop coaching stage to ensure that actions are taken, and that you learn, develop, and deliver your idea.
Wargames. In any strategic setting, you must always consider your plans from the competitors’ perspective. What reaction will you provoke? How could they pre-empt you? Outflank you? And what will the consumer reaction be? So what should you do to build a more robust plan? The Coaching Ideas WarGame strategy will help you to identify possible scenarios and identify solutions.
Meeting Facilitation. Often, you are trying to run a meeting as well as collate the thoughts and contribute. Let Coaching Ideas take control and ensure that everyone is contributing, whilst you get on with the business of growing the business. will help you to identify possible scenarios and identify solutions.